BioBazar Boxes
We have created 10 boxes containing the sets of our unique products, that can be ordered online. We offer the best certified dairy, meat, cold cuts, fish, baked goods and much more. We will bring your shopping straight to your door. Choose your box, make your payment online – we will take care of the rest.
The deliveries are handled on Wednesdays, Fridays i Saturdays between 11:00 and 18:00.
Dostarczamy w zwrotnych termoboksach. Część wyrobów wymaga przechowywania w niskiej temperaturze, dlatego po odebraniu paczki szybko ją rozpakuj, a wrażliwe produkty jak mięso, ryby, nabiał schowaj do lodówki.
The deliveries are handled on Wednesdays, Fridays i Saturdays between 11:00 and 18:00.
We deliver the goods in returnable thermoboxes. Some products need to be stored at a low temperature, so when you pick up your package, quickly unpack it and put sensitive products such as meat, fish and dairy products in the fridge.
Multiple benefits
Buying BioBazar boxes makes planning your meals easier, saves your time, supports sustainable agriculture and, above all, guarantees health. Orders are delivered door-to-door or can be picked up directly from BioBazar – there is no charge for a quarter of an hour in the Norblin Factory’s underground car park.
Fruit and vegetables
BioBazar box
210,00 zł